It’s Back to the Future Day! As everyone relives the nostalgia by watching the movies and dressing up like the characters did in the future (in the past) there are some really cool predictions that came from the film. Let’s start with the endless 3D sequels that we see of movies (I mean a fifth Tremors was just released…a fifth!) nowadays. It’s just become the norm to see yet another sequel of a film that did a year or two ago, but hopefully we never see the day that there is a 19th Underworld or Hunger Games in theaters.

We’ve got Facetime and Skype, which allows us to have video conferences (or as we call them calls) on our cell phones, TV’s, computers and tablets. They hit this one square on the head, having characters talk to oversized screens much like we do today. The list goes on and on: we’ve got drones for personal and news use, we’ve got hands free video games, we have Google Glass and it’s quite possible the Chicago Cubs could win the World Championship.

But the one item fans have always wanted to see was the hoverboard. It was the most exciting part of the film and made every kid want to learn how to skateboard, so they could one day ride a hoverboard. Sadly, they haven’t come yet…at least not in a way that every person could have one. Because Lexus has released footage of the Lexus Hover, and the technology is getting close!

Meet the Lexus Hover, a board that hovers about an inch to 3 inches off the ground. It has to have a copper surface below it, which makes it unable to hover just anywhere, but the technology is at least going in the right direction and imagine getting to play with this awesome hoverboard whenever you want some time in the future? Check out the video below to get a look at how cool this new invention is.

But we’ll leave you on a happy note for Back to the Future Day, Screen Junkies of YouTube has released their own video for this day and it’s quite funny. Looking back at the trilogy and making an Honest Trailer for the film that will give fans a good laugh. Check out the video below and enjoy your day  (in the future).

Photo Credit: Lexus Hover/Universal Studios